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Howard de Walden Estate case study on community engagement and support

The Real Estate Balance 10 CEO Commitments are a shared consensus of our Board of Directors and the senior real estate leaders at the organisations which comprise our membership on ways to progress equity, diversity and inclusion in UK real estate and its associated sectors.

We are always excited to find out how they are interpreted and implemented by member organisations in ways that have the most impact for them.

The Howard de Walden Estate looked at Commitment 10 around furthering EDI outside of their organisation and applied it to their efforts to support and enhance their local community in central London and promote careers in real estate through their partnerships with local schools and universities.

We worked with Ashley Nixon, the Estate’s Community Investment Manager, and Suzanne Tomlinson, the Estate’s Chief People Officer, to produce a case study on the above.

Howard de Walden Estate case study on community engagement and support